Configuration Properties Reference
Here is a list of properties that can be set to affect Propel behavior: how it builds your model, how it performs migrations or runs.
Where and how to Specify Properties
You can specify configuration properties in a file, in the main directory of your project, named propel.ext
, where .ext
means: one of the supported extensions. See Configuration chapter for further information.
First, some conventions:
- Text surrounded by a
is text that you would provide and is not defined in the language. (i.e. a table name is a good example of this.) -
Items where you have an alternative choice have a |
character between them (i.e. truefalse) - Alternative choices may be delimited by
to indicate that this is the default option, if not overridden elsewhere.
Property List
The following configuration properties are written in yaml but you can use your favorite format among the supported ones.
A valid configuration file must start with a propel
key, which is the parent of all other properties. If you omit this, Propel can’t process and validate the configuration tree.
General Settings
# The name of your project.
project: /Your-Project-Name/
version: /propel version/
Exclude tables
# you can use wildcard as you wish
- /name of table to ignore/|string
- /name of other table to ignore/|string
There are two Propel actions which reverse the database structure: diff and
reverse schema creation. For better interoperability Propel provides a feature
to ignore tables by whole name or pattern. For example, if you have Wordpress
installed in your database and you don’t want to maintain or work with
its tables — just add wp_*
. You can skip some tables by pattern and use
wildcard at any position, for example: module_*_cache*
is also valid.
Directories and Filenames
### Directories and Filenames ###
# Directory where the project files (`schema.xml`, etc.) are located.
# Default value is current path #
projectDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel expects to find your `schema.xml` file.
schemaDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel should output classes, sql, config, etc.
# Default value is current path #
outputDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel should output generated object model classes.
phpDir: {current-path/generated-classes}|string
# The directory where Propel should output the compiled runtime configuration.
phpConfDir: {current-path/generated-conf}|string
# The directory where Propel should output the generated migrations.
migrationDir: {current-path/generated-migrations}|string
# The directory where Propel should output the generated DDL (or data insert statements, etc.)
sqlDir: {current-path/generated-sql}|string
# Directory in which your composer.json resides
composerDir: {empty}|string
Database settings
In this section you can define all configured connections and other databases properties. Propel expects you to define one connection at least.
If you come from Propel 1.x: this section replaces the oldruntime-conf.xml
file. This section is also used byconfig:convert
command, to write down the bootstrap Propel file.
## All Database settings ##
# All database sources
/the name of the connection/:
The adapter to use for Propel. Currently supported adapters: sqlite, pgsql, mysql, oracle, mssql. Note that it is possible that your adapter could be different from your connection driver (e.g. if using ODBC to connect to MSSQL database, you would use an ODBC PDO driver, but MSSQL Propel adapter).
adapter: {empty}|string
A ConnectionInterface
class (ConnectionWrapper or DebugPDO etc.) that you would like to use for the connection.
This can be used to specify the alternative DebugPDO class bundled with Propel, or your own subclass. Your class must inherit from ConnectionWrapper, because Propel requires the ability to nest transactions (without having exceptions being thrown by PDO).
# Connection class. One of the Propel\Runtime\Connection classes
classname: {Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionWrapper}|string
The PDO DSN that Propel will use to connect to the database.
See the PHP documentation for specific format:
Note that some databases (e.g. PostgreSQL) specify username and password as part of the DSN while the others specify user and password separately.
# The PDO dsn
dsn: /your dsn/
Username and Password
Specifies credentials for databases that specify username and password separately (e.g. MySQL, Oracle).
user: /Your username/
password: /Your password/
This property contains any options which must be specified when the ConnectionInterface connection is created. For example, the ATTR_PERSISTENT option must be specified at the object creation time.
See the PDO documentation for more details.
# Driver options. See
# options must be passed to the contructor of the connection object
options: {empty}|array
are similar to options
; the difference is that options specified in attributes
are set after the ConnectionInterface object has been created. These are set using the ConnectionInterface::setAttribute() method.
In addition to the standard attributes that can be set on the ConnectionInterface object, there are also the following Propel-specific attributes that change the behavior of the Propel connection:
Attribute constant | Valid Values (Default) | Description |
PropelPDO::PROPEL_ATTR_CACHE_PREPARES | true/false (false) | Whether to have the PropelPDO connection cache the PDOStatement prepared statements. This will improve performance if you are executing the same query multiple times by your script (within a single request / script run). |
Note that attributes in the configuration file can be specified with or without the PDO:: (or PropelPDO::) constant prefix.
# See
# Attributes are set via `setAttribute()` method, after the connection object is created
attributes: {empty}|array
Settings are Propel-specific options used to further configure the connection – or perform other user-defined initialization tasks.
Currently supported settings are:
- charset
- queries
#Propel specific settings
settings: {empty}|array
Specifies the character set to use. Currently you must specify the charset in the way that is understood by your RDBMS. Also note that not all database systems support specifying charset (e.g. SQLite must be compiled with specific charset support). Specifying this option will likely result in an exception if your database doesn’t support the specified charset.
charset: {utf8}|string
Specifies any SQL statements to run when the database connection is initialized. This can be used for any environment setup or db initialization you would like to perform. These statements will be executed each time Propel get initialized (e.g. each time a PHP script is loaded).
#Array of queries to run when the database connection is initialized
queries: {empty}|array
The slaves
properties groups lists slave connection
elements which provide support for configuring slave db servers – when using Propel in a master-slave replication environment. See the Master-Slave documentation for more information.
- dsn: mysql:host=slave-host-1;dbname=bookstore
- ......
Model paths
specifies the folders where the models are located. Removing unneeded
folders can improve the performance of fixture creation. The default folders are
and vendor
- src
- vendor
- ......
Specific adapter settings
In this section you can define some settings for specific DBMS.
## Specific adapter settings
## Mysql ##
Default table type.
You can override this setting if you wish to default to another engine for all tables (for instance InnoDB, or HEAP). This setting can also be overridden on a per-table basis using the <vendor>
element in the schema (see Schema AddingVendorInfo).
# Default table type
tableType: {InnoDB}|MyIsam
# Keyword used to specify the table engine in the CREATE SQL statement.
# Defaults to 'ENGINE', users of MYSQL < 5 should use 'TYPE' instead.
tableEngineKeyword: {ENGINE}|TYPE
## Sqlite ##
foreigKey: {empty}|string
tableAlteringWorkaround: {empty}|boolean
## Oracle ##
autoincrementSequencePattern: ${table}_SEQ
UUID column type (MySQL/MariaDB only)
Allows to enable the native UUID column type available in MariaDB (see UUID_BINARY columns):
uuidColumnType: native|off
Migrations settings
## Migration settings ##
# Whether to specify PHP names that are the same as the column names.
samePhpName: {false}|true
# Whether to add the vendor info. It does provide additional information (such as full-text indexes) which can
# affect the generation of the DDL from the schema.
addVendorInfo: {false}|true
# The name of migrations table
tableName: {propel_migration}|string
# The name of the parser class
# If you leave this property blank, Propel looks for an appropriate parserClass, based on platform: e.g.
# if the platform is `MysqlPlatform` then parser is `\Propel\Generator\Reverse\MysqlSchemaParser`
parserClass: {empty}|string
Reverse engineering
This section configures the reverse engineering, to create an xml schema from an existing database.
## Reverse settings
# The connection to use to reverse the database
connection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Reverse parser class can be different from migration one
# If you leave this property blank, Propel looks for an appropriate parser class, based on platform: i.e.
# if the platform is `MysqlPlatform` then parser is `\Propel\Generator\Reverse\MysqlSchemaParser`
parserClass: {empty}|string
Runtime settings
## Runtime settings ##
defaultConnection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Datasources as defined in database.connections
# This section affects config:convert command
- default
## Log and loggers definitions ##
# For `type` and `level` options see Monolog documentation
type: {empty}|string
path: {empty}|string
level: {empty}|integer
## Profiler configuration ##
# To enable the profiler for a connection, set the `classname` option to \Propel\Runtime\Connection\ProfilerConnectionWrapper
# see:
classname: {\Propel\Runtime\Util\Profiler}|string
slowTreshold: 0.1
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
innerGlue: {":"}|integer
outerGlue: {"|"}|integer
Generator settings
## Generator settings ##
defaultConnection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Datasources as defined in database.connections
- default
# Add a prefix to all the table names in the database.
# This does not affect the tables phpName.
# This setting can be overridden on a per-database basis in the schema.
tablePrefix: {empty}|string
# Platform class name
platformClass: {Propel\Generator\Platform\MysqlPlatform}|string
# The package to use for the generated classes.
# This affects the value of the @package phpdoc tag, and it also affects
# the directory that the classes are placed in. By default this will be
# the same as the project. Note that the target package (and thus the target
# directory for generated classes) can be overridden in each `<database>` and
# `<table>` element in the XML schema.
targetPackage: {empty}|string
# Whether to join schemas using the same database name into a single schema.
# This allows splitting schemas in packages, and referencing tables in another
# schema (but in the same database) in a foreign key. Beware that database
# behaviors will also be joined when this parameter is set to true.
packageObjectModel: {true}|false
# If you use namespaces in your schemas, this setting tells Propel to use the
# namespace attribute for the package. Consequently, the namespace attribute
# will also stipulate the subdirectory in which model classes get generated.
namespaceAutoPackage: {true}|false
# If you have multiple schema files in multiple subdirectories, this setting
# tells Propel to look recursively in `schemaDir` for XML files.
recursive: {false}|true
# The schema base name
basename: {schema}|string
# If your XML schema specifies SQL schemas for each table, you can copy the
# value of the `schema` attribute to other attributes.
# To copy the schema attribute to the package attribute, set this to true
autoPackage: {false}|true
# To copy the schema attribute to the namespace attribute, set this to true
autoNamespace: {false}|true
# To use the schema attribute as a prefix to all model phpNames, set this to true
autoPrefix: {false}|true
# Whether to transform the XML schema using the XSL file.
# It is disabled by default.
# The default XSL file is located under `resources/xsl/database.xsl`
# and you can use a custom XSL file by changing the `propel.schema.xsl.file`
# property.
transform: {false}|true
Date/Time settings
## Date/Time settings ##
# Enable full use of the DateTime class.
# Setting this to true means that getter methods for date/time/timestamp
# columns will return a DateTime object when the default format is empty.
useDateTimeClass: {true}|false
# Specify a custom DateTime subclass that you wish to have Propel use
# for temporal values.
dateTimeClass: {DateTime}|string
# These are the default formats that will be used when fetching values from
# temporal columns in Propel. You can always specify these when calling the
# methods directly, but for methods like getByName() it is nice to change
# the defaults.
# To have these methods return DateTime objects instead, you should set these
# to empty values
defaultTimeStampFormat: {Y-m-d H:i:s}
defaultTimeFormat: { %X }|string
defaultDateFormat: { %x }|string
Customizing generated object model
# Whether to add generic getter/setter methods.
# Generic accessors are `getByName()`, `getByPosition(), ` and `toArray()`.
addGenericAccessors: {true}|false
# Generic mutators are `setByName()`, `setByPosition()`, and `fromArray()`.
addGenericMutators: {true}|false
emulateForeignKeyConstraints: {false}|true
addClassLevelComment: {true}|false
defaultKeyType: {phpName}|string
addSaveMethod: {true}|false
namespaceMap: {Map}|string
# Whether to add a timestamp to the phpdoc header of generated OM classes.
# If you use a versioning system, don't set this to true, or the classes
# will be committed too often with just a date change.
addTimeStamp: {false}|true
# Whether to support pre- and post- hooks on `save()` and `delete()` methods.
# Set to false if you never use these hooks for a small speed boost.
addHooks: {true}|false
# Some sort of "namespacing": All Propel classes will get the Prefix
# "My_ORM_Prefix_" just like "My_ORM_Prefix_BookTableMap".
classPrefix: {empty}|string
# Identifier quoting may result in undesired behavior (especially in Postgres),
# it can be disabled in DDL by setting this property to true.
disableIdentifierQuoting: {false}|true
# Whether the generated `doSelectJoin*()` methods use LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN.
useLeftJoinsInDoJoinMethods: {true}|false
# Pluralizer class (used to generate plural forms)
# Use StandardEnglishPluralizer instead of DefaultEnglishPluralizer for better pluralization
# (Handles uncountable and irregular nouns)
pluralizerClass: \Propel\Common\Pluralizer\StandardEnglishPluralizer
# Builder classes
object: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ObjectBuilder
objectstub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionObjectBuilder
objectmultiextend: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\MultiExtendObjectBuilder
tablemap: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\TableMapBuilder
query: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryBuilder
querystub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryBuilder
queryinheritance: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryInheritanceBuilder
queryinheritancestub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
interface: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\InterfaceBuilder
# SQL builders
datasql: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\PgsqlDataSQLBuilder
Complete file
Here it is the complete file, without interruptions.
# The name of your project.
project: /Your-Project-Name/
version: /propel version/
# you can use wildcard as you wish
- /name of table to ignore/|string
### Directories and Filenames ###
# Directory where the project files (`schema.xml`, etc.) are located.
# Default value is current path #
projectDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel expects to find your `schema.xml` file.
schemaDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel should output classes, sql, config, etc.
# Default value is current path #
outputDir: {current_path}|string
# The directory where Propel should output generated object model classes.
phpDir: {current-path/generated-classes}|string
# The directory where Propel should output the compiled runtime configuration.
phpConfDir: {current-path/generated-conf}|string
# The directory where Propel should output the generated DDL (or data insert statements, etc.)
sqlDir: {current-path/generated-sql}|string
# Directory in which your composer.json resides
composerDir: {empty}|string
## All Database settings ##
# All database sources
/the name of the connection/:
adapter: {mysql}|string
# Connection class. One of the Propel\Runtime\Connection classes
classname: {Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionWrapper}|string
# The PDO dsn
dsn: /your dsn/
user: /Your username/
password: /Your password/
# Driver options. See
# options must be passed to the contructor of the connection object
options: {empty}|array
# See
# Attributes are set via `setAttribute()` method, after the connection object is created
attributes: {empty}|array
#Propel specific settings
settings: {empty}|array
charset: {utf8}|string
#Array of queries to run when the database connection is initialized
query: {empty}|array
- dsn: mysql:host=slave-host-1;dbname=bookstore
- ......
# Array of folders which include the models
- src
- vendor
## Specific adapter settings
## Mysql ##
# Default table type
tableType: {InnoDB}|MyIsam
# Keyword used to specify the table engine in the CREATE SQL statement.
# Defaults to 'ENGINE', users of MYSQL < 5 should use 'TYPE' instead.
tableEngineKeyword: {ENGINE}|TYPE
## Sqlite ##
foreignKey: {empty}|string
tableAlteringWorkaround: {empty}|boolean
## Oracle ##
autoincrementSequencePattern: ${table}_SEQ
## Migration settings ##
# Whether to specify PHP names that are the same as the column names.
samePhpName: {false}|true
# Whether to add the vendor info. It does provide additional information (such as full-text indexes) which can
# affect the generation of the DDL from the schema.
addVendorInfo: {false}|true
# The name of migrations table
tableName: {propel_migration}|string
# The name of the parser class
# If you leave this property blank, Propel looks for an appropriate parser class, based on platform: i.e.
# if the platform is `MysqlPlatform` then parser is `\Propel\Generator\Reverse\MysqlSchemaParser`
parserClass: {empty}|string
## Reverse settings
# The connection to use to reverse the database
connection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Reverse parser class can be different from migration one
# If you leave this property blank, Propel looks for an appropriate parser class, based on platform: i.e.
# if the platform is `MysqlPlatform` then parser is `\Propel\Generator\Reverse\MysqlSchemaParser`
parserClass: {empty}|string
## Runtime settings ##
defaultConnection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Datasources as defined in database.connections
# This section affects config:convert command
- default
## Log and loggers definitions ##
# For `type` and `level` options see Monolog documentation
type: {empty}|string
path: {empty}|string
level: {empty}|integer
## Profiler configuration ##
# To enable the profiler for a connection, set the `classname` option to \Propel\Runtime\Connection\ProfilerConnectionWrapper
# see:
classname: {\Propel\Runtime\Util\Profiler}|string
slowTreshold: 0.1
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
precision: {3}|integer
pad: {8}|integer
innerGlue: {":"}|integer
outerGlue: {"|"}|integer
## Generator settings ##
defaultConnection: /One of the connections defined in database section/
# Datasources as defined in database.connections
- default
# Add a prefix to all the table names in the database.
# This does not affect the tables phpName.
# This setting can be overridden on a per-database basis in the schema.
tablePrefix: {empty}|string
# Platform class name
platformClass: {Propel\Generator\Platform\MysqlPlatform}|string
# The package to use for the generated classes.
# This affects the value of the @package phpdoc tag, and it also affects
# the directory that the classes are placed in. By default this will be
# the same as the project. Note that the target package (and thus the target
# directory for generated classes) can be overridden in each `<database>` and
# `<table>` element in the XML schema.
targetPackage: {empty}|string
# Whether to join schemas using the same database name into a single schema.
# This allows splitting schemas in packages, and referencing tables in another
# schema (but in the same database) in a foreign key. Beware that database
# behaviors will also be joined when this parameter is set to true.
packageObjectModel: {true}|false
# If you use namespaces in your schemas, this setting tells Propel to use the
# namespace attribute for the package. Consequently, the namespace attribute
# will also stipulate the subdirectory in which model classes get generated.
namespaceAutoPackage: {true}|false
# If you have multiple schema files in multiple subdirectories, this setting
# tells Propel to look recursively in `schemaDir` for XML files.
recursive: {false}|true
# The schema base name
basename: {schema}|string
# If your XML schema specifies SQL schemas for each table, you can copy the
# value of the `schema` attribute to other attributes.
# To copy the schema attribute to the package attribute, set this to true
autoPackage: {false}|true
# To copy the schema attribute to the namespace attribute, set this to true
autoNamespace: {false}|true
# To use the schema attribute as a prefix to all model phpNames, set this to true
autoPrefix: {false}|true
# Whether to transform the XML schema using the XSL file.
# This was used in previous Propel versions to clean up the schema, but tended
# to hide problems in the schema. It is disabled by default since Propel 1.5.
# The default XSL file is located under `resources/xsl/database.xsl`
# and you can use a custom XSL file by changing the `propel.schema.xsl.file`
# property.
transform: {false}|true
## Date/Time settings ##
# Enable full use of the DateTime class.
# Setting this to true means that getter methods for date/time/timestamp
# columns will return a DateTime object when the default format is empty.
useDateTimeClass: {true}|false
# Specify a custom DateTime subclass that you wish to have Propel use
# for temporal values.
dateTimeClass: {DateTime}|string
# These are the default formats that will be used when fetching values from
# temporal columns in Propel. You can always specify these when calling the
# methods directly, but for methods like getByName() it is nice to change
# the defaults.
# To have these methods return DateTime objects instead, you should set these
# to empty values
defaultTimeStampFormat: {Y-m-d H:i:s}
defaultTimeFormat: { %X }|string
defaultDateFormat: { %x }|string
# Whether to add generic getter/setter methods.
# Generic accessors are `getByName()`, `getByPosition(), ` and `toArray()`.
addGenericAccessors: {true}|false
# Generic mutators are `setByName()`, `setByPosition()`, and `fromArray()`.
addGenericMutators: {true}|false
emulateForeignKeyConstraints: {false}|true
addClassLevelComment: {true}|false
defaultKeyType: {phpName}|string
addSaveMethod: {true}|false
namespaceMap: {Map}|string
# Whether to add a timestamp to the phpdoc header of generated OM classes.
# If you use a versioning system, don't set this to true, or the classes
# will be committed too often with just a date change.
addTimeStamp: {false}|true
# Whether to support pre- and post- hooks on `save()` and `delete()` methods.
# Set to false if you never use these hooks for a small speed boost.
addHooks: {true}|false
# Some sort of "namespacing": All Propel classes with get the Prefix
# "My_ORM_Prefix_" just like "My_ORM_Prefix_BookTableMap".
classPrefix: {empty}|string
# Identifier quoting may result in undesired behavior (especially in Postgres),
# it can be disabled in DDL by setting this property to true.
disableIdentifierQuoting: {false}|true
# Whether the generated `doSelectJoin*()` methods use LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN
# (see ticket:491 and ticket:588 to understand more about why this might be
# important).
useLeftJoinsInDoJoinMethods: {true}|false
# Pluralizer class (used to generate plural forms)
# Use StandardEnglishPluralizer instead of DefaultEnglishPluralizer for better pluralization
# (Handles uncountable and irregular nouns)
pluralizerClass: \Propel\Common\Pluralizer\StandardEnglishPluralizer
# Builder classes
object: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ObjectBuilder
objectstub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionObjectBuilder
objectmultiextend: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\MultiExtendObjectBuilder
tablemap: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\TableMapBuilder
query: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryBuilder
querystub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryBuilder
queryinheritance: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryInheritanceBuilder
queryinheritancestub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
interface: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\InterfaceBuilder
# SQL builders