Store UUIDs as binary data

    The UUID_BINARY column type is a special type to store UUID data in binary columns. It can be used on all database systems, but it is particularly useful when no native UUID column type is available (MySQL, SQLite).

    To create a UUID_BINARY column, set the type in schema.xml:

    <table name="my_table">
      <column name="uuid_bin" type="UUID_BINARY" defaultExpr="uuid_to_bin(UUID(), 1)"/>

    The column can be used like a text-based column:

    $myTableObject->getUuidBin(); // will return '8ddb2ec4-f996-4777-b4f4-d59399530734'
    MyTableQuery::create()->filterByUuidBin(['8ddb2ec4-f996-4777-b4f4-d59399530734', 'f7195b5f-4544-4854-ac3e-99d6718e32c7']);

    Propel will automatically convert the UUIDs between string and binary representation when interacting with the database. Data is stored in a native binary format:

    DBMS Type
    MySQL BINARY(16)
    Oracle RAW(16)
    PostgreSQL BYTEA
    SQLite BLOB

    Manual conversion

    In statements where UUIDs cannot be converted automatically, Propel offers methods for manual conversion:

    UuidConverter::uuidToBin(string $uuid, bool $swapFlag = true): string
    UuidConverter::binToUuid(string $bin, bool $swapFlag = true): string

    These work similar to MySQL’s UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID() functions.


    $arrayData = MyTableQuery::create()->setFormatter(SimpleArrayFormatter::class)->find();
    foreach($arrayData as $rows){
        $rows['uuid_bin'] = UuidConverter::binToUuid($row['uuid_bin'];

    The swap flag

    The second parameter of the conversion functions turns swapping of UUIDs on or off. If activated, the order of the first eight bytes will be changed to allow more efficient indexing and storing (a good explanation can be found here). This only applies to v1/v2 UUIDs, which is the recommended type for databases. Native generator function like UUID() in MySQL produce these kinds of UUIDs. If you use random UUIDs (v4), swapping has no advantage.

    Propel swaps UUID data per default. But the behavior can be changed in schema.xml by setting vendor information:

      <vendor type="mysql">
        <parameter name="UuidSwapFlag" value="false"/>

    Note that changing swapping behavior is not detected by Propel at the moment - any necessary migrations have to be done manually.

    Migrating between CHAR and UUID_BINARY columns on MySQL

    For MySQL, Propel generates migrations to change column type between CHAR-types and UUID_BINARY, where data from the existing column is converted into a new column, which then replaces the old one.

    To migrate from UUID_BINARY to a CHAR type, the column content needs to be declared as uuid in schema.xml, so that propel knows that the found BINARY column contains UUID data:

    <table name="my_table">
      <column name="uuid_bin" type="CHAR" size="36" content="UUID"/>

    ! The migrations will not work on MySQL below version 8 or MariaDB, since the used builtin functions are not available there !

    Enabling native UUID columns on MariaDB

    MariaDB uses the same configuration as MySQL, which cannot use the native UUID column type in MariaDB. Declaring a column type as UUID will generate UUID_BINARY columns.

    However, it is possible to override this behavior in the propel configuration file:

            uuidColumnType: native # <------ here

    ! If you use multiple databases, note that this setting affects all MySQL systems in you setup. At the moment it is not possible to set the behavior on a database level !

    Issues and bugs

    Please report issues and bugs to the Propel2 issues tracker on GitHub