Blog: Happy New Year!
We wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2013!
Quick news:
- Propel 1.6.8 will be released soon, and includes a lot of fixes and some new light-weight features. As you may noticed, the number of new versions is decreasing in order to freeze all new developments on this project.
- Propel2 is not under heavy development right now, but we are close to the end, and we have new plans to make it awesome!
- The sfPropelORMPlugin is not actively maintained, mostly due to the symfony 1.x end of life.
- The Symfony2 PropelBundle is on its way, and everything seems ok.
- We are discussing the need for a Zend Framework 2 Module to integrate Propel in ZF. No decision has been made though. If you want to follow this discussion, subscribe to the Propel Mailing-List.