Blog: Propel won't die.

The Propel Team – 04 August 2011

Hi there, my name is William Durand and, François introduced me in the previous post. He said a lot of positive points about me and I'm glad to hear that from him.

Let me introduce myself a bit more, I'm currently working with François at e-TF1 and while I'm mainly focused on symfony2 developments using Propel and I can assure you it works well !

A month ago, some people asked if I'd become the new Propel lead developer and my answer was quite clear : very unlikely. François did a huge work on Propel, thanks for that but it makes it even harder to take over.

I though a lot before asking him the keys and I would probably never asked him without the trust of two guys : Julien Muetton (@themouette) and Vincent Mazenod (@mazenovi) who were sharing my feeling : Propel can't die.

Open source is about involving people together to build awesome things, that's why I'm proud to announce that Julien, Vincent and I are what we can call "the new Propel core team".

From now on, the Propel project is not just the Propel ORM, it's also the sfPropel15Plugin plugin for symfony 1.x and the PropelBundle bundle for Symfony2  and we are three developers to improve these three projects.

We've known each other for a long time and we share the same philosophy about how to improve Propel. Our main goal is to provide a better integration of Propel with Symfony2 in order to propose a real alternative to Doctrine2. More points will be presented in the next weeks on this blog. We are walking in the same direction in order to keep Propel on the state of the art.

By the way, a major change just appeared. The plain old SVN repository is frozen as well as the TRAC system, you should now look at the Github organization We are now using Git as the main Version Control System and you will find the following projects :

New issues will have to be reported in through Github, in the appropriate repository. Old tickets will be reviewed but if you expect us to work on your problem, you are encouraged to duplicate your issue in Github tracker. We also expect a lot of Pull Requests from you and we will happily to merge them. And please, don't forget unit tests ;)

The last words will be for François, you made an amazing work on Propel and working day by day with you is always a pleasure.

Oh, one more thing ! We'll organize a meetup in september so stay tuned :)

Propel is really back !