Blog: Propel Query by Example
If you’re used to Criteria and Peer methods, you may find the new query API introduced in Propel 1.5 intimidating. There is nothing to be afraid of: you will find this new API more intuitive and faster to read, write and test, whether you use a text editor or an IDE.<p /> To convince you, there is nothing better than a side-by-side comparison of the same query written with the old and the new API. Without further introduction, let’s dive in:
* Retrieving an article by its primary key
// Propel 1.4
$article = ArticlePeer::retrieveByPk(123);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()->findPk(123);
* Retrieving the comments related to an article
// Propel 1.4
$comments = $article->getComments();
// Propel 1.5
$comments = $article->getComments(); // no change
* Retrieving an article from its title
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ArticlePeer::TITLE, 'FooBar');
$article = ArticlePeer::doSelectOne($c);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()->findOneByTitle('FooBar');
* Retrieving articles based on a word appearing in the title
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ArticlePeer::TITLE, '%FooBar%', Criteria::LIKE);
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()
* Retrieving articles where the publication date is between last week and today
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ArticlePeer::PUBLISHED_AT, time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60), Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
$c->addAnd(ArticlePeer::PUBLISHED_AT, time(), Criteria::LESS_THAN);
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()
'min' => time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60),
'max' => time(),
* Retrieving articles based on a custom condition
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ArticlePeer::TITLE, 'UPPER(article.TITLE) LIKE ' . $pattern, Criteria::CUSTOM); // risk of SQL injection!!
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()
->where('UPPER(Article.Title) like ?', '%FooBar%') // binding made by PDO, no injection risk
* Retrieving articles based on a word appearing in the title or the summary
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$cton1 = $c->getNewCriterion(ArticlePeer::TITLE, '%FooBar%', Criteria::LIKE);
$cton2 = $c->getNewCriterion(ArticlePeer::SUMMARY, '%FooBar%', Criteria::LIKE);
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$article = ArticleQuery::create()
->where('Article.Title like ?', '%FooBar%')
->orWhere('Article.Summary like ?', '%FooBar%')
* Retrieving articles based on a complex AND/OR clause
* Articles having name or summary like %FooBar% and published between $begin and $end
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$cton1 = $c->getNewCriterion(ArticlePeer::TITLE, '%FooBar%', Criteria::LIKE);
$cton2 = $c->getNewCriterion(ArticlePeer::SUMMARY, '%FooBar%', Criteria::LIKE);
$c->add(ArticlePeer::PUBLISHED_AT, $begin, Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
$c->addAnd(ArticlePeer::PUBLISHED_AT, $end, Criteria::LESS_THAN);
$article = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5 "Reverse Polish Notation" style
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
->condition('cond1', 'Title like ?', '%FooBar%')
->condition('cond2', 'Summary like ?', '%FooBar%')
->combine(array('cond1', 'cond2'), 'or', 'cond3')
->condition('cond4', 'PublishedAt > ?', $begin)
->condition('cond5', 'PublishedAt < ?', $end)
->combine(array('cond4', 'cond5'), 'and', 'cond6')
->combine(array('cond3', 'cond6'), 'and')
* Retrieving the latest 5 articles
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
* Retrieving the last comment related to an article
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(CommentPeer::ARTICLE_ID, $article->getId());
$comment = CommentPeer::doSelectOne($c);
// Propel 1.5
$comment = CommentQuery::create()
* Retrieving articles authored by someone
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->addJoin(ArticlePeer::AUTHOR_ID, AuthorPeer::ID);
$c->add(AuthorPeer::NAME, 'John Doe');
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
->filterByName('John Doe')
* Retrieving articles authored by people of a certain group
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->addJoin(ArticlePeer::AUTHOR_ID, AuthorPeer::ID);
$c->addJoin(AuthorPeer::GROUP_ID, GroupPeer::ID);
$c->add(GroupPeer::NAME, 'The Foos');
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelect($c);
// Propel 1.5
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
->filterByName('The Foos')
* Retrieving all articles and hydrating their category object in the same query
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelectJoinCategory($c);
// Propel 1.5
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
* Retrieving an article and its category by the article primary key
// Propel 1.4
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ArticlePeer::ID, 123);
$articles = ArticlePeer::doSelectJoinCategory($c);
$article = isset($articles[0]) ? $articles[0] : null;
// Propel 1.5
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
In addition, the new Propel Query API allows for things that were simply not possible with the Criteria and Peer API:
* Retrieving articles and hydrating their author object and the author group
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
* Retrieving articles based on a list of conditions
$conds = array(
'Title' => 'Foo',
'PublishedAt' => array('min' => time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60))
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
* Retrieving a paginated list of the latest articles
* Get the second page, 10 articles per page
$articlePager = ArticleQuery::create()
->paginate(2, 10);
foreach ($articlePager as $article) {
// do stuff with an $article object
* Iterating over a very large list of results without running out of memory
$articles = ArticleQuery::create()
foreach ($articles as $article) {
// do stuff 50,000 times
There is more for you to discover, and fortunately, the Propel Query documentation is already up-to-date in the 1.5 branch.</p>