Adding A New Behavior In Symfony2
Propel provides a lot of behaviors but there are also third-party behaviors provided by the community.
In order to get these behaviors working in a Symfony2 application with Propel, you need to register them, here is how you should do.
The first step is to get the code. If the behavior is available on a Git repository, like GitHub for instance,
then you'll be able to add it to your deps
Assuming you want to use the GeocodableBehavior, you'll write:
If you are using Git submodules, then run:
git submodule add vendor/willdurand/propel-geocodable-behavior
If you are using Composer, then just require the behavior in your composer.json
"require": {
// ...
"willdurand/propel-geocodable-behavior": "dev-master"
And run, php composer.php update
If there is no available Git repository for a behavior, just copy it tovendor/propel-thebehavior-behavior
. It's up to you to version it or not.
You're done!
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