User-Contributed Behaviors
Here is a list of Propel behaviors contributed by users. Feel free to use them or to add your own behaviors to this list.
Agnostic Behaviors
EqualNestBehavior Supports relations where a class references to itself and the columns within the reference class are equal. Suitable for "Friends"-like relationships.
ArrayAccessBehavior Adds ArrayAccess implementations to the BaseObjects.
GeocodableBehavior Helps you build geo-aware applications.
ExtraPropertiesBehavior Extend your models with key/value attributes.
AuditableBehavior Audit your objects activity.
TypehintableBehavior Insane Propel behavior that helps you to be compliant with third-party interfaces by adding type hint to generated methods.
PropelListenerBehavior Add listeners to propel generated objects.
EventDispatcherBehavior Integrates the Symfony2 EventDispatcher component in your Model classes.
StateMachineBehavior Adds a finite state machine to your model.
PublishableBehavior Designed to quickly add publish/unpublish features to your model.
MultipleAggregateColumnBehavior A replacement to aggregate_column behavior that allows multiple aggregate columns on a single table.
VisibilityBehavior Add a visibility column for each column you specify and manage visibility of data depends a visibility hierarchy.
symfony 1.x Behaviors
sfNestedCommentPlugin A behavior for propel 1.5 and symfony to enabled the model(s) to be commentable.
sfPropelActAsBlameableBehaviorPlugin Symfony plugin for Propel 1.5 to autofill created_by, updated_by and deleted_by columns?-.
sfPropelLuceneableBehaviorPlugin A behavior for propel 1.6 and symfony 1.4 to enabled the model(s) to be searchable.
sfPropelObjectPathBehaviorPlugin Simplifies joining and handling relations deeper than one level. (Not Symfony specific)
sfPropelORMTaggableBehaviorPlugin A behavior and a widget for propel 1.6 and symfony 1.4.x to tag your objects.
sfPropelORMRatableBehaviorPlugin A behavior for propel 1.6 and symfony 1.4.x to rate your objects.
sfContextBehavior A behavior for propel 1.6 and symfony 1.x rendering object context aware.
ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin Provides a Behavior for Propel objects that allows you to track any changes made to them.
sfPropelEventBehavior Propel 1.6 behavior which fires lifecycle events through the Symfony 1.4 event dispatcher.
Symfony2 2.x Behaviors
GlorpenPropelBundle Add a way of extending Propel model classes from other Bundles and using Symfony2 DIC in them through events.
BazingaPropelEventDispatcherBundle An alternative to GlorpenPropelBundle Symfony2 DIC events
TaggableBehaviorBundle A behavior and a widget for propel 1.6 and Symfony2.0 to tag your objects.
TaggableBehaviorBundle A behavior for propel 1.6 and Symfony2.1 to tag your objects, supporting i18n.
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