
    Project Setup

    Propel Basics

    • Basic CRUD The basics of Propel C.R.U.D. (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations
    • Relationships Searching and manipulating data from related tables.
    • Validators The validation framework checks data before insertion based on column type.
    • Transactions Where and when to use transactions.
    • Behaviors The behavior system allows to package and reuse common model features.
    • Logging And Debugging Propel can log a lot of information, including the SQL queries it executes.
    • Inheritance Single Table Inheritance, Class Table Inheritance, and Concrete Table Inheritance come free with Propel.
    • Migrations Change the structure of the database without altering the data.


    Behaviors Reference

    You can also look at user contributed behaviors.


    Common Tasks

    Contribute to Propel

    Working with symfony 1.4

    Working with Symfony2

    Working with Silex

    This is the documentation for the latest Propel 1.x version. To access the old documentation, please visit

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