Customizing Build

    It is possible to customize the Propel build process by overriding values in your propel file. For maximum flexibility, you can even create your own Phing build.xml file.

    Customizing the

    The easiest way to customize your Propel build is to simply specify build properties in your project's file.

    Understanding Phing build properties

    Properties are essentially variables. These variables can be specified on the commandline or in properties files.

    For example, here's how a property might be specified on the commandline:

    > phing -Dpropertyname=value

    More typically, properties are stored in files and loaded by Phing. For those not familiar with Java properties files, these files look like PHP INI files; the main difference is that values in properties files can be references to other properties (a feature that will probably exist in in INI files in PHP 5.1).

    properties, once loaded, are not overridden by properties with the same name unless explicitly told to do so. In the Propel build process, the order of precedence for property values is as follows:

    1. Commandline properties
    2. Project
    3. Top-level
    4. Top-level

    This means, for example, that values specified in the project's files will override those in the top-level and files.

    Changing values

    To get an idea of what you can modify in Propel, simply look through the and files.

    Note, however, that some of the current values exist for legacy reasons and will be cleaned up in Propel 1.1.

    New build output directories

    This can easily be customized on a project-by-project basis. For example, here is a file for the _bookstore _project that puts the generated classes in /var/www/bookstore/classes and puts the generated SQL in /var/www/bookstore/db/sql:

    propel.project = bookstore
    propel.database = sqlite
    propel.database.url = sqlite://localhost/./test/bookstore.db
    propel.targetPackage = bookstore
    # directories
    propel.output.dir = /var/www/bookstore
    propel.php.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/classes
    propel.phpconf.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/conf
    propel.sql.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/db/sql

    The targetPackage property is also used in determining the path of the generated classes. In the example above, the Book.php class will be located at /var/www/bookstore/classes/bookstore/Book.php. You can change this bookstore subdir by altering the targetPackage property:

    propel.targetPackage = propelom

    Now the class will be located at /var/www/bookstore/classes/propelom/Book.php

    Note that you can override the targetPackage property by specifying a package="" attribute in the <database> tag or even the <table> tag of the schema.xml.

    Creating a custom build.xml file

    If you want to make more major changes to the way the build script works, you can setup your own Phing build script. This actually is not a very scary task, and once you've managed to create a Phing build script, you'll probably want to create build targets for other aspects of your project (e.g. running batch unit tests is now supported in Phing 2.1-CVS).

    To start with, I suggest taking a look at the build-propel.xml script (the build.xml script is just a wrapper script). Note, however, that the build-propel.xml script does a lot and has a lot of complexity that is designed to make it easy to configure using properties (so, don't be scared).

    Without going into too much detail about how Phing works, the important thing is that Phing build scripts XML and they are grouped into targets which are kinda like functions. The actual work of the scripts is performed by tasks, which are PHP5 classes that extend the base Phing Task class and implement its abstract methods. Propel provides some Phing tasks that work with templates to create the object model.

    Step 1: register the needed tasks

    The Propel tasks must be registered so that Phing can find them. This is done using the <taskdef> tag. You can see this near the top of the build-propel.xml file.

    For example, here is how we register the <propel-om> task, which is the task that creates the PHP classes for your object model:


    Simple enough. Phing will now associate the <propel-om> tag with the PropelOMTask class, which it expects to find at propel/phing/PropelOMTask.php (on your include_path). If Propel generator classes are not on your include_path, you can specify that path in your <taskdef> tag:


    Or, for maximum re-usability, you can create a <path> object, and then reference it (this is the way build-propel.xml does it):

      <path id="propelclasses">
          <pathelement dir="/path/to/propel-generator/classes"/>

    Step 2: invoking the new task

    Now that the <propel-om> task has been registered with Phing, it can be invoked in your build file.

        <schemafileset dir="/var/www/bookstore/db/model" includes="*schema.xml"/>

    In the example above, it's worth pointing out that the <propel-om> task can actually transform multiple schema.xml files, which is why there is a <schemafileset> sub-element. Phing filesets are beyond the scope of this HOWTO, but hopefully the above example is obvious enough.

    Step 3: putting it together into a build.xml file

    Now that we've seen the essential elements of our custom build file, it's time to look at how to assemble them into a working whole:

    <?xml version="1.0">
    <project name="propel" default="om">
     <!-- set properties we use later -->
     <property name="propelgen.home" value="/path/to/propel-generator"/>
     <property name="out.dir" value="/var/www/bookstore"/>
     <!-- register task -->
      <path id="propelclasses">
          <pathelement dir="${propelgen.home}/classes"/>
     <!-- this [default] target performs the work -->
     <target name="om" description="build propel om">
          <schemafileset dir="${out.dir}/db/model" includes="*schema.xml"/>

    If that build script was named build.xml then it could be executed by simply running phing in the directory where it is located:

    > phing om

    Actually, specifying the om target is not necessary since it is the default.

    Refer to the build-propel.xml file for examples of how to use the other Propel Phing tasks -- e.g. <propel-sql> for generating the DDL SQL, <propel-sql-exec> for inserting the SQL, etc.

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